One of my collectors who’s on the allowlist for my PHOS #99 | Manifold claim is getting the “Sorry, there are no items for you to claim” message but his wallet is on the allowlist.
Are there any solutions for this type of issue?
One of my collectors who’s on the allowlist for my PHOS #99 | Manifold claim is getting the “Sorry, there are no items for you to claim” message but his wallet is on the allowlist.
Are there any solutions for this type of issue?
Thanks for reaching out - Can you provide the wallet address for your collector? Can take a look!
Thank you! His wallet address is 0x713A8d3E669947F690F8cFcc856a933DBecfceB4
Apologies for the delay - sometimes our notifications can get lost. If you are still experiencing this issue or need more clarity on it please create a new post.