Stuck using Batch Mint and trying to use a CSV

Hi guys Iam just finding out that Manifold is totally different then used to be

So i used to upload 100-200 images at once(batch) now i cant ( i see an option uploading in the CSV format, now how do i convert my PNG to CSV? IS any free tooling doing that>?


gm - There’s two ways to batch mint - Manually or with the CSV.

The CSV is designed to make it easier to upload images and stage all of the tokens at once. You’ll download the template of the CSV and say the images are on Google Drive, add the link to the CSV and then upload it. Manifold will upload the files from drive to decentralized storage for you.

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Thanks for quick reply, to batch mint manually i have to upload each image individually which isn’t an option if i have hundreds to upload

The second option (CSV) how i convert my images from PNG? I used to upload one hundred images at once in PNG FORMAT(old manifold) i don’t see that option anymore, or i am missing something?