Studio Claim Page not loading Chrome

I’m trying to create a claim page, but the window is blank.

Loading fine over here; no widespread issues.
Can you log in and out? Hit the avatar in the top right.

Log in and log out did not change
Clearing cache did not help
I only just added the Curate app, did not use,
went to try the claim and not working.

Same on Chrome and Edge browsers

Weird. One of your claims was jacked up.
All fixed. Happy minting.

Weird, was it something I did? How can I avoid it in the future? was it the app the curate app? Thank you!!

Nah, nothing to do with curate. It looked like a claim was partially created but with no data inside. Will look into a bit more but unlikely you’ll hit it again. If you do though, I’d be interested to learn how.

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Took a deeper look. Can happen if you navigate away or lose connection right at the wrong moment of creating a new claim. Will touch up.

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Now the entire page is set up but NEXT is greyed out…So I can’t get to the settings page, or finish the claim page.

ok, now it was disconnect, reconnect that fixed it