Support $PRIME Token For Minting

Hello Manifold Developers!

I work with the Echelon Prime Foundation in support of Parallel TCG. We’re looking to use Manifold to issue / mint a special series of 1155s for use within the game and would like to sell them for $PRIME, our network ERC-20 token. With the recent support of $PEPE from the Manifold team we’d love to work with you to get $PRIME on the platform as well. Beyond our own interest as Echelon in minting 1155 tokens for $PRIME, we have a deep, engaged community of builders and creators that would also then be able to leverage Manifold and $PRIME in new and interesting ways. We’re excited about the possibilities that $PRIME on Manifold can bring to both communities and are eager to discuss more!

PRIME Contract: 0xb23d80f5fefcddaa212212f028021b41ded428cf
Coingecko: Echelon Prime Price: PRIME Live Price Chart & News | CoinGecko


in strong support of this

parallel tcg is the highest volume erc-1155 collection out there

Agreed, this would be nice to see.

$PRIME support will encourage a group of dedicated community members to use the platform. It’s a win-win