Please beware of external links. Support will only be handled on this forum.
Manifold employees will have a Manifold Team badge next to their name.
In order for our team to investigate a bug/errors, please provide the following:
What is your wallet address?
0xa54B0799B46C16D01D502F59e64Abc32E84914C0 -
A summary of the issue
I made a claim page with a custom audience.
DeathWish Eternal - Claim 001 | Manifold
I want people with tokens on this contract
to be able to claim it. Started this morning, runs for a week. The claim page is live but it has said this all day under the disabled claim button.
The creator is finalizing eligibility requirements. Please check back later.
I thought the snapshot was only supposed to take like 30 min. This has been since early this morning and it’s now 7pm
What browser are you using?
Chrome -
What wallet are you using?