The creator is finalizing eligibility requirements. Please check back later

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I want people with tokens on this contract


to be able to claim it. Started this morning, runs for a week. The claim page is live but it has said this all day under the disabled claim button.

The creator is finalizing eligibility requirements. Please check back later.

I thought the snapshot was only supposed to take like 30 min. This has been since early this morning and it’s now 7pm

  • What browser are you using?

  • What wallet are you using?

Thanks for the support!

Did you upload the snapshot to the claim? I see the claim page has been created, and it doesn’t look like your snapshot has been added to the claim page.

Yes, twice now. I’ll try again.

OK so I did that and this time it actually took it and it’s there after publish but the claim page still says the same “Creator is finalizing…”

Now it says

Data Sync Issue

Your data is out of sync. Please publish to re-sync.

So I do that but it still gives the same error

Hi, can you please clear your browser cache, refresh the page and try publishing again? It should remove the error and fix the issue.

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