Transferring Ownership

Hi, My name is Ezekiel and I’m an artist. I created a similar topic in the Creator Community yesterday, but maybe the Developer Community can help me better.
I want to transfer the ownership of a contract to another wallet, the items in this contract have been sold. I know that transferring the ownership is possible but I’m not sure what happens when the items in the contract are sold (some of these items also have been listed to be sold in the secondary market on Open Sea). I hope someone can help me with this situation.

This is what I found:

"Your Manifold Creator contract allows your to transfer the ownership of it to another wallet or contract. This could be useful for instance in cases where you want your Manifold Creator contract to be owned by a Gnosis Safe, or when you’ve created your contract with a software wallet and want to transfer it to a hardware wallet.

To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your Manifold Creator contract on Etherscan
  2. Click on the Contract tab
  3. Click on the “Write as Proxy” tab
  4. Click on “Connect to Web3” to connect the wallet that currently owns the contract
  5. Click on the “transferOwnership” function and introduce the address of the new owner of the contract
  6. Click on write and execute the transfer

Be aware that is best to transfer a contract before you’ve minted your first token. If you’ve already minted your first token, some platforms might have already ingested your contract and then you’ll need to reach out to them to update the contract owner on their side too."

Here’s the link: Transferring Contract Ownership | Manifold Studio | Manifold Docs

Can you clarify what you mean by “what happens when items in the contract are sold”? Is there something specific youre curious about?

Hi Lyndo, I want to know if it’s possible to transfer ownership of my contract to my other wallet even when the items in this contract have already been sold. From what I understand I’m not the owner of these items now but I’ll remain the owner of the contract, so I think it’s possible but I want to be sure about it.

Sorry I can’t answer your question but I have a question to add to your question:

I recently took the steps to transfer a contract that has no items in it, but it still shows up in both my Manifold as well as FND.

I know with FND I have to ask them to manually update it, but should the contract still be showing up in my Manifold account?

It will show up on Manifold - But you won’t be able to take any actions with it unless you are an admin on the contract.

Hi Lyndo or anyone who can see this message and have the answer, please!
I want to know if it’s possible to transfer ownership of my contract to my other wallet even when the items in this contract have already been sold. From what I understand I’m not the owner of these items now but I’ll remain the owner of the contract, so I think it’s possible but I want to be sure about it.

Yes. You can transfer ownership of your contract, regardless of who owns their tokens or whether or not they have been sold.

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Thanks so much! That was exactly what I wanted to know

Hello! I transferred ownership of my contracts to a cold wallet with success. I reached out to Opensea and Rarible because I had already created collections and those store fronts had the tokens listed on the old address.
It seems despite the store fronts transferring the collections to the new address on the contract, the tokens still show up in the profile of the old wallet address through the store front.

Can these tokens still be transferred, listed and sold using the old wallet address? Do I have to manually send the tokens to a different wallet? I think I comparing apples and oranges (contract address and token wallet address).

The goal is to have the new contract address to be the wallet that controls it all. Any advice is appreciaed. Thanks

Resolved. I just needed to transfer the tokens to the correct address.

Transferring property ownership, often referred to as conveyancing, involves legally conveying the rights of a piece of real estate from one party to another. This typically requires documentation such as a deed, which signifies the transfer of title. The process may involve various legal procedures, depending on the jurisdiction, and often requires the involvement of a lawyer or a notary public to ensure the transfer is properly executed and recorded.