Unable to publish editions on Base Contract

Last week, we deployed a contract on Base (link)

Today, we went to publish the first 1155 edition on this contract and the guided flow up publishing the piece to a new (but identical) Mainnet contract and created the NFT on Mainnet (link). Now that collection is marked as a Mainnet collection in Manifold Studio, despite the fact that it was created on Base, and I have no ability to publish pieces on the original Base contract.

In an attempt to troubleshoot, I started fresh and created a net new Base contract (I cannot link to it since I’m a new user, but happy to share with anyone who needs it to troubleshoot). As I went through the 1155 edition publishing flow, I got to this screen and was unable to move forward without replicating the issue in our last collection

It seems there may be a major bug in Base publishing right now — is there anything we can do to workaround this?

Can you try once more? I believe I fixed your account.

Also, to clarify.

  1. You deployed a contract in base last week
  2. You wanted to do a mainnet mint
  3. You selected the same contract as last week but chose mainnet as your network when you did your new mint. And you minted on mainnet.

Is that right?

gm — no, here’s the situation:

  1. We deployed a contract on Base last week
  2. We want to do a Base mint
  3. We select that contract and try to mint on Base, and aren’t able to. Manifold’s flow is forcing us to switch to Mainnet.

I tried again just now (after your message) and am still encountering the same problem.

I have recorded a movie so you can see the issue → Uploaded in Google Drive (it doesn’t look like I can embed a video here).


Sorry about this issue, we are actively working on this right now and will let you know once fixed

Thanks — we have our weekly drop broadcast to go live at 1pm ET (in ~1 hour), I’m assuming a fix might be further down the horizon than that?

Trying to get an estimate on whether we should be actively broadcasting a delay to our users/collectors :pray:

@dongqtm @wilkins.eth it looks like your fix might have worked: we were able to go through a different UX and publish an NFT on Base to our original contract → https://basescan.org/address/0xd734aa1f6558a7a58e868f22aef566b288529e13

We’d like to make sure this contract stays in our account and remains functional as we’ll be publishing to it weekly for the next 10 weeks.

There are two contracts that were created in error and for testing — is there a way to archive or hide those from our studio so we do not see them? Explicitly, these:

  • 0x11104257c6f935458d83944a3c67c040e2db6eaa on ETH → Auto created when we tried to publish an NFT on Base and were forced through the swap network flow
  • 0xb5b223a90d120183793323247981d02833b714cb on Base → Created as a test morning to test if the error was one-off or widespread

Hey team :wave: We never heard back about the resolution/underlying issue here — we’ve been minting every week on a Base contract without issue (although notice that the UI did update the day of, which I mentioned in my last post).

The studio portal for us is still pretty messed up given all the extra contracts that got created. Would love to work with someone on your team to clean that up and make it a bit more usable for us moving forward if that’s possible?