I have created this listing -
with the intent to sell 19,233 copies of an ERC-1155 token all at once.
here is the transaction -
so the marketplace let me create the listing… but am having some troubles purchasing it both on the manifold website and directly onchain. Any ideas?
I think it is reverting here -
if (!MarketplaceLib.sellerIsTokenCreator(listing.flags) && !listing.token.lazy) {
// Handle royalties if not listed by token creator and not a lazy mint (lazy mints don't have royalties)
try IRoyaltyEngineV1(royaltyEngineV1).getRoyalty(listing.token.address_, listing.token.id, amount) returns (address payable[] memory recipients, uint256[] memory amounts) {
// Only pay royalties if properly configured
if (recipients.length > 1 || (recipients.length == 1 && recipients[0] != listing.seller && recipients[0] != address(0))) {
for (uint i; i < recipients.length;) {
if (recipients[i] != address(0) && amounts[i] > 0) {
sellerAmount -= amounts[i];
sendTokens(listing.details.erc20, source, recipients[i], amounts[i]);
unchecked { ++i; }
} catch {}
because you haven’t set the royalty engine on the sepolia marketplace. You can debug with this transaction 0xeac6887d8e1319ce868c71130280ed2b3808dfb67c94a56cb0dd3e2ccc28db8d
I am surprised the try/catch doesn’t work but who knows. @wwhchung any ideas? Also no rush I know it is Friday night