Unknown Error when attempting to mint token


When trying to mint a token (edition) and pressing the publish button, I got an unknown error message (screenshot attached). I cancelled the attempt and went back to the token that was still saved in my drafts. When I reattempted to publish, I got another pop-up that asked me to confirm if it was a different token (screenshot attached). It is not different tokens.

Wallet Address: 0x9cbbeBBBfBe3156C756FF46b87Beb6826F2Ec630

Browser: Google Chrome

Hoping for some direction on what happened and how to resolve.


Got it - Can you take a screenshot of this error with the console on the side? We have an example here: How do I report issues to the forum? | Manifold Help Center

I, unfortunately, cannot reproduce the first unknown error message. That only populated one time, and now I just get the confirm different tokens pop-up. Attaching the console screenshot of that though.

Also, when following the steps to say that it was not a new token, it brought me to the forum page and automatically input the below info (as if to create a new ticket). Copying below what was in that for your reference as well.

This is an autogenerated bug report from the Edition App.
Issue: Token ID already minted.
“instanceId”: 3832213744,
“contractAddress”: “0x57ef27a72f316915979c759dd98c6c00ad1b3574”,
“tokenId”: “31”,
“connectedAddress”: “0x9cbbeBBBfBe3156C756FF46b87Beb6826F2Ec630”

Thanks for sharing this - Can you try to clear your cache and refresh the page?

Cleared cache and cookies and am now getting the original unknown error message. Attaching screenshots of the message along with what is in the console.

We are investigating this now.

Ok, the reason this is happening is because the initial approval transaction to register the admin needs to be executed by the contract owner address (0xb98C3bf0c412eD7C7120507Bf12f22df35a1345A)

Are you able to initiate/do this with that wallet?

Thanks for the response. Sorry, I’m not quite sure I understand what you mean by “the initial approval transaction to register the admin”. Would you be able to explain that a bit more for me?

I don’t have access to that wallet, but will reach out to the owner who does about it now. I believe they saw on Etherscan that my address had been added as an admin, but maybe not? Are these the steps they will need to go through in order to register me as an admin? How do I add an administrator to a contract? | Manifold Help Center

So the new mint guard (which prevents double minting of tokens) can only be installed by the contract owner. So they would have to initiate the transaction.

If they can’t login to this account, they can do this:

  • Go here: https://etherscan.io/address/0x57ef27a72f316915979c759dd98c6c00ad1b3574#writeProxyContract
  • click ‘connect to web3’
  • go to 1. approveAdmin
  • enter the address 0xbceabf7b3c7b784589afb411802c7c050c4dfc00
  • click write

This will add the mint guard as an admin.