Unsecure link in custom URL manifold tutorial

  • My goal is to see if I can point my domain ethereumgenesis to a manifold auction listing.
    Presently it forwards to my photography site. I’ve backed off completing the tutorial below to ask this question…

I was exploring this support document from manifold.
(Hosting on Your Own Site - Manifold Docs)
The tutorial linked to a supposedly more detailed external tutorial but I got a warning the website was unsecure. I backed out. This is the unsecure web link provided. (https://messy.coolhats.xyz/)

Following only the instructions of the first link I managed to insert a crazy long cname into my DNS and it allowed me to select a subdomain that appeared nft.ethereumgenesis and I did not know what to do with that. It did not meet my goal of having the parent DNS domain be the link I give to people.

Can anyone recommend a replacement tutorial or let me know what’s up with the non secure link?

Did you follow the step until the final DNS configuration?

I did, and I’ve been messing with it more since. Giving it time to resolve and now I’ve broken it lol. I’ll contact my domain provider and see if they can help. I’ll put it back to domain forwarding again.