Update metadata on minted token

Hi, looking to see if its possible to update the metadata on a token that is already minted or if the only option is to burn and remint?

gm! You can definitely edit the metadata of a minted token. Are you seeing an error when you try to update?

Yes I am. Do I have to be the owner or as the create can i do it myself?

I am the creator of the token but I am not the owner currently. I tried updating it but it got stuck when publishing.

You can edit the token whether you’re the owner or not. It would be helpful to see some screenshots. Can you go back to where you’re seeing the error? It will help to be able to see a screenshot with the console visible, an example and instructions are here:

This will help us see what the error is. Thanks!

here is what happens. right now it just gets stuck on this

Can you open up the console here and take a screenshot of it? Also which wallet address are you using to mint this token?

yeah - eternalgarden.eth

Hi Lyndo, any thoughts on this?

Can you take a screenshot with the console visible for us to see the error message? It should look like this:

You’re looking to update the token with the wallet you minted the token with?

Correct, is it possible to DM you privately with more info and screenshot? would love to take this offline for security, etc. You can reach me at claire@gardenx.xyz

Feel free to reach out to studio@manifold.xyz, it does seem as though the token has been properly updated