Wallet-based Redemption Rule

Hi Team!

We (Infinite Objects) are planning a drop later this month which will run on Shape. There will be a slew of physical prizes that we’d like to distribute via your Shopify Merch Bridge (which we’ve been using for 2+ years, love it).

Since we’re using Shape which is not natively supported with your Merch Bridge (any plans on that?) we are looking at Gelato VRF to pull winning wallets and then use that list of wallets for the token-gated claim page on our Shopify.

Any insight into if using a Wallet list as a Rule in the token gate on Merch Bridge is possible? I know when I select the “snapshot” option, it mentions “wallet-based redemptions” but is that list only created via 1155 or is there a way to upload a CSV of wallet addresses?

Thanks in advance for any help –

  • Joe @ IO
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hi Joe,

we currently do not have support for importing a CSV of wallet addresses. however, we do have a workaround for your case – in a similar vein of how Token Set Gating is described in Advanced Usage | Manifold Docs, given your list of wallet addresses, you can airdrop a Sepolia testnet token to each address and token gate based off of that token.

apologies for the complication, and hoping this works for your use case!

p.s.: we are actively supporting new chains this year; we’ll keep you posted if Shape is one of them!

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just wanted to pop in here to say hey joe, absolutely love infinite objects and what y’all have built. thanks for the great q’s / feedback.

shape is something were discussing. we’ll be sure to let you know if anything is concrete there.

more context: snapshots totally work for any contract/token etc but the problem is our snapshot product does not support shape yet so you would not be able to snapshot shape owners. workaround is as @mani_eng explained – airdrop all eligible wallets from Shape a token on Sepolia or some cheap L2 using our “Edition” app (not Editions Page), then use that token as the basis for your gate.

cheers! keep us posted.

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