Allowlist base contract

Hey hey,

A) Trying to create a new audience for one of my base contracts.

Using: brave, rabby wallet.

  1. No option available to create new audience
  2. When first trying to start with existing audience then adding a new one, only my MAIN ETH contracts show. Even when choosing other tokens and adding my base contract address i get an error. ( My claim is set up from base contract )

Do I miss something here?

B) when creating an audience and choosing attributes it would be cool to filter out collectors who own all of the attributes. For now i get the whole list with collectors owning just one of the attributes. So like in coding and AND operator would be dope for attributes.

Or is there a way to filter this as well?

Thanks guys, appreciate your time!

no one? still not working

Can you share screenshots? Is this within an app or somewhere else?

It’s within studio, as written using brave and mac book.

Not able to create a new audience

If I start with existing audience I can’t choose my base contracts, only main eth is showing here. And yes I am connected with base and contract to claim the tokens is also on base

We found the bug. We’re fixing for now.

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Ok, can you try now? Your base contracts should show up.

Base contracts showing up now but snapshots are not done.

Also I need to start with an existing audience rather than just create a new one?

Hi. Did this resolve itself? If not please post a link to the claim.

No it hasn’t!

The snapshots not going through! Also why isn’t the option: create new audience , there anymore?

I can’t post a link to the claim it’s in draft mode but even if I start a new one it won’t let me build my audience.

So far only base contracts show up, but snapshot doesn’t work

Can you post a screenshot of what you see?

Also you can post your studio link.

Screenshots are already attached above.

I am not able to create a new audience. Neither is it doing the snapshots when adding a rule to an EXISTING AUDIENCE.

Here is the link to the draft:

New audiences are created via inventory now.

Which existing audience are you trying to use to create a snapshot?

Here’s an example of how you use it.

Click ‘Start With Existing Audience’. Select your audience. Then change the name of the snapshot as such:

The ‘Next Button’ Should now enable. Click Next.

It will ask for a snapshot time:

Then Click Submit for Snapshot.

This should create your snapshot.

I tried with existing audience and adding a new rule. But the snapshot never went through. Even after days it hasn’t done the snapshot.

But I only need the new audience tab, will check under inventory. Thanks

What was the snapshot named?

Something like gen 3 set holders, the last available snapshot is from months ago. So it wasn’t doing the current snapshots

How do you create new audience in inventory?

No it didn’t create the snapshot. Have done it exactly like this

gm!! Just a heads up we’re investigating will help look into this for you. I’ll be in touch

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We’re seeing some issues on our end but to unblock you, we have this tool available too. You should be able to schedule a snapshot here with the requirements you’re looking for.