Bug of collection mint number

We will give you instructions on this in a moment, please wait.

In the future, please only Airdrop using the APP. DO NOT AIRDROP via the smart contract.. Doing so will result in issues with a claim.

thank you I’m waiting for the project all ready sold out. so i cannot airdrop manually also i did not again.

Before continuing, can you confirm you have two Claim Pages in your dashboard:

  1. Based Tycoon Kid Punks
  2. Based Tycoon Kid Punks (160 Airdrop)

Can you also confirm the first Claim Page (“Based Tycoon Kid Punks”) has 2000 assets configured for the Custom Reveal configuration on “Edit” page?

yes i’m confirming to it

no i have I claim page for “Based TycoonKidPunks” other one is “Based TycoonPunks”

yes i saw it

i guess you add this for me for the fixing.

what am i do know the new 160 airdrop page?

Great. So here’s what you’ll want to do to finalize your reveal:

  1. For the 160 Airdrop Claim Page:
    a. Upload a CSV with 160 items with your desired token details.
    b. Publish changes
  2. For the original Claim Page:
    a. Upload a CSV with 1840 items with your desired token details.
    b. Publish changes

Let us know if you run into any issues.

160 airdrops like 1098 but last one 2000 am i put this order? they are not start 1 -2 -3 you know

I don’t understand your question. Could you clarify?

first q for 2. Am i use for 1840 items only 1840 pcs row? total supply 2,000

second q for 1. Am i use just airdropped ones? for example, first airdrop number is 1098 to 1117 = 19 pcs + last airdrop starts 1860 to 2,000. number orders true. but airdrop times different. so 160 airdrop CVS will be like
160 row = first is 1098 to 1117 + 1860 to 2,000 totally = 160 airdrop. can you understand me?

I’m trying to upload first, 1840 pcs CVS right now

when 1840 finish what am do? I’m asking to this 160 one. now it’s just show airdrop it must be wrong can you check this

also 160 claim page says Data Sync Issue

Your data is out of sync with our servers. Please contact Forum Support.

Hey, so upon further review it looks like you airdropped the remaining 141 tokens (#1860 to #2000) directly from the contract (transaction here).

We advised against doing this earlier in this thread. However, since you’ve done that, we can no longer guarantee the behavior of your collection.

With that warning, if you would like to proceed, follow the instructions below before any further publish updates to verify the integrity of your collection:

  1. Visit the Claim contract on Base: https://basescan.org/address/0x23aa05a271debffaa3d75739af5581f744b326e4#writeContract
  2. Execute function 14: updateTokenURIParams with the following parameters:
  • creatorContractAddress: 0xbeBEC4293E6820b22D65469455c6Bf9847eF1aEB
  • instanceId: 1
  • storageProtocol: 2
  • identical: false
  • location: ECY5NWXc01UY2Q8H3DNzSzqK5j5l5jDxtJHM5oCBTC4

We can confirm the integrity of your collection after you execute this transaction.

I did not do anything again.so what happened now??? 1840 CVS I’m trying to upload but it’s cancelled?*??

so you gave me this. therefore i made 2 different cvs main. 1840 pcs airdrop 160 pcs so what am i do now??

I made this tx

Now am i start to deploy re-again? which one is first 160 airdrop one or 1840 main one?

also 160 airdrop one looks like right now. where is the 160 pcs CVS meta data upload section?

Looks good. We can confirm the collection sequence is as follows:

  1. Based Tycoon Kid Punks - 1840 tokens:
    a.) #1 to #1097
    b.) #1118 to #1859
  2. Based Tycoon Kid Punks (160 Airdrop) - 160 tokens:
    a.) #1098 to #1117
    b.) #1860 to #2000

You can use the Custom Reveal feature now to publish updates via CSV to the tokens in that order.