Bug of collection mint number

I waiting here i hope you will be here toooooo

You need to burn tokens 2001 - 2160.

Go here:

And go to the burn function:

And burn each token. Are you able to do this?

how to type those tokens ids in here??

how can i do this multiple?

There is no batch burning ability. If you need this, we can look into it, but we would have to write a custom contract for this and you have to give us some time.

not allow. where can i get permission to this? probably i’m not a owner or admin of my smart contracts.

Only the token owner can burn. Can you get all the tokens sent back to you? who owns the tokens?

there is no time. i will do it manually but now I’m not able to burn where can i get admin permission??

You MUST be the token owner to burn the tokens.

The token must be in your wallet to burn.

can you check this tx.

those tokens are in my wallet but i cannot burn why?

The tokens are owned by two addresses:

owns tokens 2001-2019

0x17999410B26814afA672f5f9858145476B64B978 (yours)
owns tokens 2020-2160

0x38A6B4dAeDd61d06d4Df77e1354b9F1FFa60267e will have to burn 2001-2019

0x17999410B26814afA672f5f9858145476B64B978 will have to burn 2020-2160

I’m start to burn manually are you will be here??? this will be take a few time. are will be here??

Yes. Please burn tokens 2001-2160. Respond after you do this so we can confirm and double check.

I burned manually mines. 141 burned for mine. 2001-2019 burn very soon. So what is the next??? still not read my 141 burns. I’m 100 out of 100 sure. It won’t happen again. Or it won’t be easy or I won’t get an answer from you.

I don’t understand what you mean by ‘still not read my 141 burns’. Those tokens appear to be correctly burned. Please respond after the other 19 are burned as well.

all tokens burned so??? how it works now still not work??

Let us double check the token status.

all token right now burned. I told you early so i know you will be response to me late. now how it works???

al tokens burned still not read. for example last token #2000