Bug of collection mint number

AASAAPP!!! sxdfgşklmdfhfghjfghjj

I i said not work. i know… @wilkins.eth what is the NEXT??? still not read 160 PCS

Tokens 2001 - 2160 are properly burned. For example:


OpenSea may still show the tokens, but they no longer exist.

Please wait for further instructions for revealing the 160 remaining tokens.

tell to me right now. what is instructions. you will be not here. what am do next?? I don’t have time 24hrs more just a fucking push a meta data so you will not be here with your support team.

you will be said to me “now go mint 160 pcs more right?” that mean i will be fuck me last time. so i must pay to you this right?? 160x your fee. just tell me what is the next instructions. You and your team will not be here, you will not answer, I have no strength to wait another 24 hours, I will have a heart attack because of you, I am not young anymore, I am 40 years old!

dapp shows.

Ok, please:

  1. Clear your browser cache
  2. Refresh your browser and go to your ‘Airdrop’ claim. You will see this:

You WILL see a RED alert at the top. That is normal.

Now click ‘Publish’.

This will upload your metadata and prompt an on-chain transaction. After this completes, your 160 remaining tokens will be revealed (tokens 1098-1116 and tokens 1860-2000).

Please reply after you’ve done this so we can double check.

clearred the cache. still same error data sync

See the first sentence. ‘That is normal’

Just click ‘Publish’

pushed the deploy waiting…

it gave error but i confirmed.


reason WHY too many meta data deploy it has a few just meta data errors. not it will work perfect right when i try to chance a meta data? for example one of “clothes” meta data wrong am i edit with true meta data then deploy it will be read right?

If one of the metadata values is wrong, you can edit the metadata in the Claim Page app, then publish the updates.

when i try it says
can you hurry check this Manifold Studio

Can you describe what you did to get this error?

reason is too many deploy, some of meta data wrong like “clothes” for example #10 has wrong clothes i want to define true clothes name “Leather Jacket” i am just try to change text meta data which are wrong then i got this error.

It appears that there was some issue updating that metadata. Can you:

  1. open your error console
  2. clear it
  3. click publish again
  4. show us the errors that show up