Burn Redeem Issue on Live claim - Issues with multi requirements

its still enormous on my screen. Im using chrome, on a mac, metamask, ethereum network

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Patch incoming, give it about… 5-10 minutes to take hold.

Bless for that report.

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Looking good again on my end.

yup looks normal on mine too… gonna try to burn some tokens rn…

Lemme know if you still get that weird thing about push and undefined. That one I haven’t been able to recreate yet so it must still be out there…

hell yeah lets goooooooo

it will only let me redeem 6 at a time? is that normal

and same thing

wont let me redeem more than 6, and if I try to check out it gives the error I sent above

unsure, what happens when you tick just one token and push up the quantity past 6? in my testing i had only done 1-4 at a time.

Yeah wont let me try and redeem more than 6 but also wont let me burn any, just keeps reverting to that error

yeah the update i just made to try and support this just broke everything. sorry man, i have to undo this. you’ll have to just make it two steps for now and people can just come back to burn again to do diff combos.

this is a full on feature that we didnt know we had before and then regressed on.

No worries, appreciate you trying to help as always

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this is going to take me all afternoon, tell your collectors to not expect that UX to work today.

I closed the claim tbh, was way too much trouble for me dealing with dms and stuff so dont stress about it today if you dont need to. Thanks for your help though. Strange I rarely had problems with the burn mechanisms in the past

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Sorry about that. We do have a solution. If you want to try it and open it again. We will send you all the gas associated with the setup and updates afterwards.

Caveat. This suggestion will require the same amount of both tokens if you are trying to do multiple burns at once.

If you want to select two of any token, then you should have two burn rules of 1 token each. Unfortunately right now, given some recent updates if you specify a 2 token requirement it requires the same token. So the solve is to split it up to two rules of a single token each.

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Hello I have created this topic : Unable to add more than 1 token in burning redeem page
Is it related to this issue?


All Good fren, I closed the claim and appreciate all the help. Nothing more needed. Will this be an issue moving forward in the future, or will I be able to just select “any token” and people can mix and match?

We’re going to get on fixing this next week.


Hey @Guido, so, we dug into this as well as your previous burns, and the ability to combine tokens from the same contract in one step to hit a requirement is not possible.

Your previous burns all had a multi-token requirement (i.e. 1x of token1, 1x of token2, etc.).

A 2x of token requirement means that you specifically need two of a single token. In order to do a mix-and-match (from what I understand, you want to allow for burning of 2 tokens from the same contract, but any two), you would need to do a two requirement burn.

1x burn anything from the contract
1x burn anything from the contract

This would allow someone to burn two different tokens.

If they wanted to burn multiple times in one shot, they would select N of that token on step 1, then N of the other token on step 2. Burn N at once REQUIRES you to have N of both tokens.

This is a limitation of the smart contract, as doing a mix-and-match of anything is too computationally intensive.

I hope this answers your question. Let me know if there’s any further confusion.