Manifold now supports creation on Optimism Mainnet đź”´

Deploy contracts and create NFTs for pennies thanks to @optimismFND

We’re giving eligible creators $6.90 in ETH on Optimism to get started.**

Claim your FREE "Manifold-Optimism Creator NFT” and we’ll send you $6.90 ETH on OP direct to your wallet as part of the transaction. More than enough to deploy your first contract, mint tokens, publish claim pages, collect artwork, and more!

So what can you do with $6.90 of ETH on OP and Manifold Studio?

To qualify:

  • You’ve previously deployed a contract through Manifold Studio on Ethereum before our 6/12/23 snapshot
  • Your email address and Twitter account are up-to-date in your Manifold Studio settings

Don’t have any ETH on OP to cover the ~$1 mint fee?

No worries, use credit card, Apple Pay, or Google Wallet when minting.
You can also bridge funds directly with the official Optimism Bridge Optimism Gateway

Thanks to @crossmint for the seamless payment flows.

We’re thrilled to make creating on Ethereum even more accessible with @optimismFND. Get started now at


hi, if to deploy contract on optimism, can I list it on FND or what platform will work for that?
And to purchase NFT can collector buy it with his ETH wallet?

Trying to mint the token, and I should qualify, but get this:

I must be missing something…

Hi there,

THANK YOU for this improvement.

I’m trying to claim the MANIFOLD-OPTIMISM CREATOR NFT but my debit card, which is a prepaid card, is not accepted. Who can I contact for support? Many thanks! :pray:t2:

Getting “Secure Connection Failed” at Optimism Gateway

You can use any Manifold app once you deploy your contract on Optimism: Claim Page, Burn Redeem, and Gallery.

While FND does not currently support OP listings, other platforms such as OpenSea currently do.

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Can you link the contract you deployed from genius4hire.eth in here and I can take a look.

Unfortunately prepaid debit cards are not currently supported due to fraud issues.

Here’s one:

I think I know what’s up, I used a different wallet, and genius4hire.eth was set as an admin… let me try again…

Hey! Can you share more context around what you’re seeing? Any screenshot of a console error or of the interface would be helpful!

Thank you @ediep for your prompt reply. I have finally managed to claim MANIFOLD-OPTIMISM CREATOR NFT.

Thanks again for this! :pray:t2:

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Success! Sorry for the mix-up, Richerd.

I tried to convert ETH to Optimism and got an error and lost a bit of funds, not much, but that didn’t work for me to claim.
Error transaction


Next, I tried google pay, it said, declined.
So didn’t get a chance to claim yet.
So do I need the NFT to use the network?

Hi there @metamushrooms, Did you deposit via the OP Bridge interface on

Can you share more about what error you saw? Any screenshots would be helpful to investigate what happened!


I’ve 3 contracts on Manifold so I believe I’m eligible to claim the token, but I receive the message “There are no items for you to claim.”
Am I missing anything?

P.s. This is one of my contracts

I apologize, appears to have been firewall at work. All set off that network. Claimed!

Fight on Baby! You’ve given me a reason to try again.

Yes, I used the app.bridge website. No I don’t have any screenshots. I gave you the transaction URL that shows it failed. Shouldn’t that be sufficient? It’s pretty bad that I lost money on something that was supposed to be free and save me money. What’s the reason for needing the NFT ? I’m interested in saving the money on the minting. Hopefully it will be supported around the community. Thanks!