I launched my first collection with Manifold Claim App. I realised afterwards that I cannot update metadata for each token on the dapp. Can you please help me since I need to reveal those tokens asap.
You want to use the updateTokenURIParams function.
You are likely calling the wrong function if you are getting a payment warning.
If you are getting the ‘wallet is not an administrator for the contract’ it means that you are not connected with the same wallet you deployed your contract with.
Hi wilkins, im connected with the same wallet i deployed the contract. I can asure that, its the only wallet i use.
I followed everything, and get into that error “Wallet is not an adminsitrator for the contract” , i already disconnected everything and tried again, but same error, anything else i can try?
Share screenshot of the etherscan things you are entering which also shows the connected wallet on etherscan, and provide the contract address and the wallet address.
We can’t help you unless more information is provided.
Actually, there are other issues. Your IPFS directory has the wrong data. You only have the images there. You need to actually upload the json metadata at those paths.
That’s why OpenSea isn’t updating the metadata. It’s wrong
Yes, so you’ll have to generate it now yourself if you need unique assets.
Here’s what it originally was:
{"created_by":"Rodro","name":"Pixel Hollywood #1/100","external_url":"https://foundation.app/@Rodro","description":"The 100 most iconic characters from Movies & Series hand-drawed by me!","attributes":[{"trait_type":"Artist","value":"Rodro"}],"image_details":{"bytes":2364964,"format":"GIF","sha256":"bc2bf4b21950009f7f0cf16a8365207d11119457b18c1128db93558ebd24215b","width":500,"height":500},"image":"https://arweave.net/Qkgj2siiM-uVwdbU89H8EAPX-azhXQg3XD1-_hgonXU","image_url":"https://arweave.net/Qkgj2siiM-uVwdbU89H8EAPX-azhXQg3XD1-_hgonXU"}
You need to make one of these files for each NFT named 1, 2, 3…
And replace the name, image and image_url with what it should be. Then upload that to IPFS. Once you’ve done this, send me the IPFS link and I can double check for you before you write another transaction.