Introduce Yourself!

Hello! My name is Joonas and im from Finland based at Helsinki :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:
Im mixed media Artist.
Focusing music producing and 3D video mapping.
Also creating glitchy photos/gifs/video NFTs.

I have a degree in audiovisual communication. I have worked as a graphic designer in Finnish television and have done numerous jobs related to sound and image. marketing on the company side and sports for clubs.

My strenghts are music, motion/still graphics, video/photo editing+ audio works



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](speis | Twitter, Instagram | Linktree)


Hola buenas noches me llamo Axel, soy artista nfts, necesito que alguien me explique, xq la imagen Ascii me sale reducida a una linea, y no la imagen completa en texto. Gracias muy agradecido de quien explique.

GM all. Just got locked in to this site/app and so far I love the idea and community involvement.

I’ve just starting web dev and building cool designs/NFTs in the last year or so and am always looking to find a new project and places to get involved. This most definitely seems like a great place to hang my hat from time to time and welcome any comments or guidance from the community members.

Anyway thanks for havin’ me!

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Gm! I’m juxton

I’ve been a metaverse developer since 2020. Right now I’m the process of launching a few different NFT projects/experiments on Base, with Manifold!

Currently building: (WIP)


Hello all.
I’m finding manifold via warpcast. Hoping to learn to mint frames. I’m getting stuck from the very start. The screen I think I should be seeing isn’t showing up and instead I only see “Docs, FAQ, or Forum.” as options. Not the option for “New Contract.” My wallet is connected. Thanks for your help.

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:wave:Hi, i am Arsen Eca a phygital artist
I have conceptualized what I call ‘phygital matter,’ a blend of information and material that I use in my work


Hi all I’m Finnegan.

I’m interested in taking NFTs to new places. I want to mint audio NFTs for musicians and create a more fun NFT trading card game to bring some energy back into the space

check out to see what I’m working on for the audio NFTs. Everything is done except the contract side of things. I’m hoping to use Manifold


Ok, Hi,

  1. Thank you for the opportunity to join a group of creators. Seriously.
  2. I am new to all of this confusing, overwhelming, exciting, good mess.
  3. I look forward to the day that I’ll be in a position to help someone in this community learn something, but for now I am the ultimate beginner.
    Thank you,
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Hello everyone,
Lejandrier texting. I’m a digital artist with some NFT projects in mind, aiming to develop them via Manifold. Thanks, all the best.


What’s good. I have the same goal. Familiarizing myself with manifold studio now. What’s your project about?

Hi, my name is David, and I am an Artist, Inventor (5-patents), and Engineer (electrical). I have created artwork in the classic method using oil paint on large canvases. Then I moved on to acrylic paint and next onto digital artwork methods. Now I am creating NFTs as a 21st Century artist.

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hello manifold team and community. my name is kesean. i’m a creative coder, which means i make art with code. look forward to meeting and working with the community

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Hi :purple_heart: My name is CnNymphs and I’m a new member. And this is my job.

Good evening, my name is Elena and I am an artist. I would like to create my nfts with Manifod but I had this problem setting the royalties. I saw that in the new version of Manifold you can no longer set royalties. I tried to investigate in the “Help” section and followed your instructions by modifying the smart contract on etherscan. I then tried it online on Sepolia but the royalties were not credited to me despite the sale. The second sale. Is it possible to solve this problem?

This is possible but it’s not in the UX yet. Please post your contract address and we can provide instructions on how to set royalties at the contract level.

Hi, here is my contract number: 0x875527b2e3360fdbcbb7df0a4d47ba8d87deeff1
I’d like know also if i can set royalties also on series multiple. Thank so much

Go here.

  1. Click connect web3 (it should turn green, you may have to click twice)
  2. Go to 30. setRoyalties and enter:
    receivers: [‘0xYourAddress’]
    bps: [basisPoints]
  3. Click write

Then you should be good to go and the default royalties for all tokens will be set.

You can verify by visiting and checking the token royalty for any token.

BasisPoints is a numeric representation of the percentage. 1% is 100 basis points.

Hi, I tried to do what you recommended but it doesn’t work. I made two sales online to two of my metamask addresses but the royalties were not credited to me. The contract number I tested with is this:0x5F7dafd1E1d8faFEf3f28Ba45A2a1F8980400e84. could you help me? Have a good daY
